Νεκρός είναι ο παγκοσμίου φήμης ορειβάτης Brad Gobright ο οποίος έπεσε από ύψος 300 μέτρων κατά τη διάρκεια αναρρίχησης στην πλαγιά ενός γκρεμού στο Ποτρέρο Τσίκο στο Μεξικό.

Ο συνορειβάτης του Aidan Jacobson τραυματίστηκε ελαφρά στον αστράγαλο και άλλα μέρη του σώματός του, καθώς την ώρα που έπεφτε «σκάλωσε» σε ένα θάμνο που τελικά τον έσωσε ανέφερε ο Guardian.

Ο Γκόμπραϊτ την ώρα της θανάσιμης πτώσης έκανε κατάβαση με σκοινιά.

«Αρχίσαμε την κατάβαση. Βρισκόμουν λίγο πιο πάνω από αυτόν, στην αριστερή πλευρά, αυτός στα δεξιά. Τότε, εντελώς ξαφνικά, άκουσα έναν κρότο και αρχίσαμε να πέφτουμε με ταχύτητα» είπε ο Aidan Jacobson.

«Ήταν μια ζεστή και ευγενική ψυχή» είπε ο Alex Honnold, κορυφαίος Αμερικανός αναρριχητής με πολλά ρεκόρ και πρωταγωνιστής στο βραβευμένο με Όσκαρ ντοκιμαντέρ «Free Solo» .

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I’ve been on an epic road trip for the past week with some good friends. We’ve been raging in the desert, and climbing on beautiful limestone and sandstone. This is a screen grab taken by the talented @samuelcrossley of me climbing the Ivory Tower on Castleton Tower. The sandstone on this route is plastered with crazy white calcite that makes for a very unique style of climbing. On top of that it follows a super exposed arete for four pitches. We woke up pre dawn to get amazing sunrise footage for a @gramicci_climb film that’s in the works. Now we’re in Sedona AZ with the plan to tackle some world class basalt.

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Brad Gobright (@bradgobright) στις

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I think that’s it for me this season in Yosemite. It was kind of an uneventful Fall as far as climbing goes. Last spring was very successful for me on El Cap and I ended up ticking off all my 2019 goals. Then for some reason I kinda had a lazy summer with training and spent most of August doing easy solos in the High Sierra. That was great but I came to the Valley in mid September not fully prepared. I put a bit of work into trying to free The Nose in a push but after my first attempt it became clear that I just wasn’t in right shape for it. I actually had plans a couple days ago to make a speed run up The Shield with Jim Reynolds but bailed because I tore half my toe nail off the night before while walking barefoot into the woods to take a piss ????. It’s always a shame to leave the Valley and especially now after my no send season. However it’s made easier because I’m headed off on a rad desert road trip with some good friends! These shots were taken by Tom Evens. @gramicci_climb @evolv_worldwide @frictionlabs @bluewaterropes

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Brad Gobright (@bradgobright) στις

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I’m really excited for The Valley season to arrive. Ive been climbing a lot in the High Sierra this summer and that’s been fun but I’ve been itching to get back on El Cap where the real business (for me) is at. My big goal for Fall 19 was to climb El Niño in a day but I some how managed to tick that one off last Spring along with two other el Cap free routes. That’s left me with some stressful choices that I was thinking I wouldn’t have to make until next year. It could very well be that I had reached my El Cap limit last Spring but I guess there’s only one way to find out. Great shot by @steeppathproductions of when @alexhonnold and I climbed El Niño back in June. I whipped three times on this pitch before handing the lead to Alex. He floated up it and I followed in his anti gravitational wake. It’s weird how science works like that. @gramicci_climb @evolv_worldwide @frictionlabs

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Brad Gobright (@bradgobright) στις

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We had over a week of good weather in Vegas and it’s been amazing. I’ve been mostly sport climbing but I did have one good day of multi pitch in Black Velvet Canyon. In pic one I’m climbing some 5.13 face route I don’t know the name of. There’s one huge move on that thing I’ll never be able to stick. It was a beautiful climb though. Pic by @PSUKat1 . In picture two I’m climbing a super enjoyable route called The Aspirant. Photo by @cedarwright . In pic three I’m climbing some 5.13 route in The Blue Diamond Cave. This cliff looks like junk but it’s actually really fun and offers a great workout. It’s a great choice for those rainy days in Red Rocks. Pic by @samuelcrossley @gramicci_climb @evolv_worldwide @frictionlabs

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Brad Gobright (@bradgobright) στις